MIS5001 Section 001

Individual and Group Project



  • Group A – Dana D, Katie V, Anthony R, Nadim K, and Joesph B
    • Bio-metric Authentication for EHRs
  • Group B – Neethu J, Yusuf, Ahmed E, John G, Jonathan M, and Isaac M
    • Near Field Communication (NFC) in Disaster
  • Group C – Chelsea I, Chelsea M, Emma D, Erin F, and Faryal K
    • Portable CT Scanner
  • Group D – Susan S, Montien M, Okeema T, Ginger H, Sandra R
    • Emergency Response Dispatch


  • Due 10/1/2015
  • The group project should focus on a specific technology – it could be hardware, software, or a platform. Preferably, it should have practical significance to your own work experience. The technology you choose might be a potential solution to a problem you’d like to solve within one of your group members’ organizations or industry. It can also be something that would create a new opportunity that has not yet been addressed within one of those organizations. A few examples of possible technologies and applications include:
    • Social media tools designed for use within the organization
    • Cloud-based applications (beyond those we discussed in class)
    • Near field communication (NFC) mobile technology
    • 3-D printing
    • Gamification and badging
    • Gesture recognition

     You should not limit yourself to one of these topics; this is just to give you an idea. You are encouraged to do some research to find something that your group is really interested in.


Each member of the group will create a two-page written brief. The purpose of this brief is to give each group member the opportunity to make a unique contribution to the overall project. It will also make creating the group presentation easier since much of the background research and analysis will already have been completed.

The individual briefs should be short – one to two single-spaced pages, not including references. Two pages is the absolute limit – submissions longer than this will not be accepted. The format can be an outline, as long as the content of the brief is clear.

Each group member’s individual brief will separately address the following items:

  1. Describe the technology and what it is used for.
  2. Explain how the technology delivers business value and the potential risks of adoption. What are the potential impacts on the adopting organization?
  3. Describe the competitive environment for the technology. What is the disruptive potential of the technology? What are some rival technologies that could displace it?

Each individual brief will be used by the group to inform the group’s final presentation and its recommendations (see the next section).

Grading – Individual Assignment


Each group will prepare a PowerPoint presentation summarizing its strategic analysis. The group will be responsible for consolidating the individual briefs into the final product. The presentation should deliver an integrated, coherent message.

There is no “slide length” for the PowerPoint presentation, but your presentation should run no longer than 12 minutes, with 5 minutes at the end for a brief question and answer session! This means you won’t be able to cover everything in great detail, so you’ll have to include only the most critical information in your presentation.

The group’s task is to brief a knowledgeable management team, enabling them to make decisions based on your assessment.  Assume that your audience is a team of senior-level managers (CxOs), but not necessarily in the Information Technology function.

While your presentation can contain some level of technical detail, it should be written and presented in business English and should focus on the issue, potential solutions, and an actionable recommendation.

The following is a rough guide how to structure your presentation:

  • Executive Summary: An elevator pitch presenting an overview of your key points (1 slide)
  • Use Case: Describe a real-world use of the technology (1-2 slides)
  • The Value Proposition: How does the technology deliver business value? What are the potential risks to the adopting organization? (1-2 slides)
  • Technology Specifications: Describe to a layperson how the technology works. (1-2 slides)
  • Competitive Environment: What is the disruptive potential of the technology, and what rival technologies could displace it? What are the signals of change and what kind of customer markets does the technology serve? (1-2 slides)
  • Strategic Recommendation: The bottom line conclusions about when, how, and why this technology will be beneficial to potential adopters. Also acknowledge risks and costs. This is the most important part of your presentation, and should reflect a thoughtful analysis of the issue. (1-2 slides)
  • Bibliography: References and additional resources to learn more. (1 slide)

You are not required to present the material in this order, but your analysis should cover all of these points.


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