Welcome to ITACS Cyber Security Track

Install and Get Started with Kali Linux

Kali Linux is a Debian based Linux distribution image that is commonly used by penetration testers and ethical hackers across the industry.  It is a free distribution that includes over 600 penetration testing applications, including nmap, Wireshark, Metasploit, Armitage, Burp suite, John the Ripper password crackers

Once you have installed hypervisor software (e.g. VMware Workstation), download and install Kali Linux here.  Watch this video tutorial on how to create a Kali Linux virtual machine and for basic navaigational tips on getting started.

Once you have installed Kali Linux below are some additional resources on getting started:

  • Learning Kali Linux – This Lynda.com course that provides instructions on how to install Kali Linux and begin using the applications that come pre-installed with this powerful distro.  Lynda.com is a free resource to Temple University students that is available from the TUportal home page.
  • Kali Linux Cheat Sheet – Includes commands and techniques that can be used for various pen testing programs included in Kali Linux.