Edward Ferrara

Adjunct Professor
Vice President – Principal Analyst



  1. Perform all of the searches in your text from pages 63 – 79
  2. Submit a screen shot of your search results VISUALIZATIONS WITH the query statement you used to produce the results.


  1. Which are the top browsers? Visualize the results. Use any reasonable chart type. (p. 64)
  2. What are the top 5 IP addresses? Visualize the results. Use any reasonable chart type. Note: this is not in pages 63 – 79. This search comes from Lab 4.
  3. Chart the number of GET and POST for each HOST. Use the column chart. (p. 70)
  4. Which Product Categories Are Affected by HTTP 404 Errors? Chart the results. (p.73)
  5. Chart the Purchasing Trends for the TEST Dataset for Product Categories. (p. 75)
  6. Chart the Duration of Transactions. (p. 76-77)
  7. Produce a TIMECHART for the top purchases by product? (P. 50 – 51)
  8. Visualize Page Views and Purchases using an AREA CHART (p. 79)

The data you need can be downloaded from blackboard if you were unable to generate the data yourself. (https://blackboard.temple.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-4945886-dt-content-rid-51420770_2/xid-51420770_2)

NOTE: This is the same data that you used for LAB 5.

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