Over the last year, people realize how dangerous hackers can be. This article brings to light the theory that What if the problem we face is not too many bad hackers, but too few good ones? In recent conventions hackers have discussed what happened in the last election and how to prevent those in the future.
There are hackers who are renegades and culprits, yet there are some that are patriotic and hack for good causes. The private sector has already discovered the benefits of hackers. Most major tech companies — including Facebook, Apple and Microsoft — offer “bug bounty” programs, in which they offer financial rewards to hackers who find holes in their security measures. Government jobs are not ideal environment for people with hacking abilities and the private sector pays more. So why are there so many cyber security jobs unfilled? Government jobs require extensive background checks so that eliminates some government opportunities.
Recently Government agencies experimented with a similar approach. The Defense Department offered the first-ever federal bug bounty program last year, called Hack the Pentagon. The result was that 138 vulnerabilities were found. At the recent Def Con convention most hackers were able to hack into all the voting machines that were bought in. Companies should take advantage of hackers and their willingness to help secure the national infrastructure.