Spring 2015

Case Analysis Format + Questions

Case Analysis Format

In addition to preparing to discuss each of the assigned weekly case studies, you will work in groups to prepare an in‐depth analysis of 2 case studies during the semester.

See the course schedule for due dates.

To complete a case analysis:

  1. Select which question or questions your will answer.  Make it very clear which questions you are answering.
  2. Analyze the case in depth to answer the question(s).  Conduct additional research to support your analysis.  Your work must by evidence based.   Cite your sources.
  3. Document your analysis as a slide deck (10 slides maximum). The first slide must include names of all team members and the case name in the top‐left corner.
  4. Submit a hard copy of the assignment by the start of class on the due date.

Since we are discussing the material in class, cases must be completed on time in order to receive credit. Late submissions will receive a failing grade.


Google, Inc.

  • The case describes several of Google’s “products” (their search engine, Gmail, Google Earth, etc.). What do they have in common? How would you describe the line of business Google is in?
  • What is Google’s revenue model (how do they make money)? Who are its customers? With this in mind, what is Google’s real product?
  • Based on the material in the case, how would you describe Google’s strategy? Do they have one?
  • The last section of the case is titled “What Should Google Do?” What do you think Google should do (it doesn’t have to be one of the options described in the case)? Make sure you explain why you chose that course of action.
  • How has Google created an organizational structure that encourages and enables innovation? Give specific examples.

Open Innovation at Siemens

  • If you were in charge of open innovation at Siemens, what metrics would you use to measure your success? Would metrics would you favor if you were a Siemens board member.
  • What do you think Siemens should do next? Are there specific open innovation initiatives that should be changed, dropped, or retained?
  • Using the Siemens case as an example of pros and cons of open innovation, what should a company consider if it is considering doing something similar?

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