Spring 2015

Learn IT #1: 1 hour of code

Activity: You too can code


The objective of this activity is to demystify programming by learn the basics of a popular programming language (JavaScript).

Activity Requirements

  • Go to http://www.codecademy.com/ and create an account (“Sign up”).
  • Go to http://www.codecademy.com/goals/hour-of-code and complete the activity.
  • When you are done, visit your site profile, click on the achievements tab, and make a screen print showing your name and achievement badges.
  • Prepare a 1 page document answering the following questions
    1. Has your view of computer programming changed after completing an hour of code?
    2. Some people say that every student should learn to code. Do you agree or disagree?
    3. What are 3 key things you learned?
    4. Are you likely to use this resource again? Would you recommend it to others? Why or why not?
  • Submit a hard copy of your 1 page summary and a screen print of your achievement badges by the assigned due date.

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