Professor: Adam Alalouf

Reflection Journal

Reflection Journal

Prepare a journal documenting the key ideas presented in the class sessions. The reflection journal serves as a “take home” final for this course.

The key factors in the evaluation of your work are:

  • Your interpretation of the main ideas presented and discussed in the course, and
  • The quality of your insights.

Your journal should be constructed individually and focus on the following:

  • What were the major topics discussed in the course?
  • What were the key management issues related to those topics?
  • What insights — personal and professional — did you learn while taking the course?

In summary, the reflection journal is an opportunity for you to demonstrate what you have learned while taking this course.


  • Summarize the course in a set of no more than10 PowerPoint slides.
  • Use the slides to make a visual statement. Use sparing, meaningful text, effective visualizations, and strong images.
  • On the first slide include your name, the course number and the assignment title in a clearly identifiable manner. It is up to you if you want to put any additional content on the first slide.
  • Utilize the notes section to explain and delve deeper when you feel it is necessary.
  • Other than the requirements stated above, you may organize the material in whatever manner you determine is more effective.
  • Submit your journal by email to by Wednesday, 6/15/16 at midnight. Please name your file using the convention of LastName_FirstName_AssignmentName.


  • Start immediately: update the journal as part of your preparation for each class meeting; continue to refine the content after each class meeting.
  • Start the file as a PowerPoint file – don’t start in Word and assume you will convert later. That will be a lot of work. PowerPoint constrains the amount of space you have. That is a good thing.
  • Be creative: this is an opportunity to stretch your skills for creating engaging content. There is no one right format or formula for a reflection journal.

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