Professor: Adam Alalouf

Course structure


This course applies a discussion-based method of instruction which relies heavily on your active participation and preparation both in-class and online. You are expected to read the case studies and readings and come prepared to engage the class in a meaningful conversation.

You are encouraged to use your knowledge and experiences to build, test, and modify your own concepts through dialogues with the instructor and fellow students. Much of your learning will occur as you prepare for and participation in discussions about the course material. The course material has been carefully chosen to bring the real world into class discussion while also illustrating fundamental concepts.

Preparation for Class: Reading Summaries

Preparation before class – Each week  you will submit a brief summary of those readings assigned for that class period (see the course schedule). This includes the cases. Submit a hard copy at the beginning of class and bring a copy for your reference during the discussion.

Your weekly summary should include the following:

  1. One key point you took from each assigned reading, including the cases (even if you submitted a case analysis that week): one sentence per reading.
  2. One key point you learned from the readings as a whole: one sentence maximum.
  3. One discussion question that you would ask your fellow classmates: one sentence maximum.

Finally, keep in mind this assignment is graded pass/fail. Only assignments that completely follow the above requirements will receive credit for that week.

Participation During Class

We will typically start each session with “opening” questions about the assigned readings and case study. Students called up to answer should be able to summarize the key issues, opportunities, and challenges in the case study. All students should be prepared to be answer these questions.

If for some reason you feel unprepared to respond to a question, you may say “pass” and I will call on another student. To earn full participation credit, keep the total number of “passes” to a minimum over the course of the semester. Another important aspect of class participation is completion of in-class assignments and contribution to break-out group activities.

Classroom Etiquette

The environment you and your fellow students create in class directly impacts the value that is gained from the course. My over-ridding expectation is:

  • Everyone will be fully engaged and will remain engaged for the entirety of each class meeting.

Here are specific behaviors that will help all of us meet that expectation:

  • Arrive on time and stay until the end of class.
  • Turn off cell phones ringers and alarms while in class.
  • Freely use electronic devices to enhance your education experience by taking notes and researching class topics.
  • Restrict usage not directly related to class to before class, during class breaks, or after class. This includes activities such as checking email, personal Internet browsing and sending instant messages.
  • During class time speak to the entire class (or breakout group) and let each person “take their turn.”

Participation Around Classes

To facilitate on-going learning of course material, discussion questions may be posted on the blog each week.  You are expected to engage in discussions and provide comments and insights.

The site is public and the above activities provide you with a forum to demonstrate your insights and ideas to the rest of the world and to learn from others.

Suggestions for Commenting

Your comments should focus on professional topics (only). The length of a typical comments is between a few sentences and a small paragraph. The focus should be on quality, not  quantity.

Ideas for comments include:

  • Examples of technologies or issues that demonstrate a concept we discussed in class
  • Reacting to a post and providing a reasoned disagreement
  • Providing insights on how to solve class related problems
  • Providing new ways of thinking about the strategic role of technology
  • Adding additional insights to an existing post/comment

Comments that are NOT acceptable include:

  • Agreeing (or disagreeing) without providing a reason
  • Simply listing a topic without providing an explanation
  • Posting copyrighted material (it is acceptable to paraphrase the material and link to the original source)
  • Using unprofessional or disrespectful language
  • Material that does not fit the course goal



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