MIS 9003 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Week 01 – Business Value of IT – paper assignment

Each week, I will assign one paper to each student, who is required to write a brief up to 300 words for the assigned paper and lead the discussion on the paper in class. Here is the assignment for the first week.

  • Hitt and Brynjolfsson (1996) – Xinyu Li
  • Anderson et al. (2006) – Yiran Su, Vicky Hu
  • Aral and Weill (2007) – Xue Guo
  • Dewan et al. (2007) – Ada Wang
  • Cheng and Nault (2007) – Aaron Cheng

A brief is due by 11:59 PM on the day before the class date (Tuesday, Jan 12 for the next week). Submit your brief as a new post on this site. Be advised that you’re required to read all the five papers and Chapter 1 of Johnson before the class.

In addition, I require each of you to conduct a further research on background theories or econometric methods in the assigned paper. You don’t need to write about it in your brief but will be asked to explain it  to your classmates in class. Here is the assignment.

  • Xinyu – IT productivity paradox
  • Yiran – The three roles of IT (automate, informate, and transform)
  • Vicky – Market valuation framework
  • Xue – Resources, assets, and capabilities (how different they are from each other)
  • Ada – Real option theory
  • Aaron – Input-output table (bring the actual IO table and explain to the classmates)

Please let me know if you have any question.

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