MIS 9003 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Week 10 – Research Proposal Presentations

On March 23, each student will present his/her ideas for a final term paper (research proposal).

  • Each student will have 10 minutes for presentation, followed by a 5-minute Q&A.
  • For MIS students, proposal topics must be from (or closely related to) the research topics in this seminar. Non-MIS students are allowed to deviate from this boundary but still expected to propose new IS ideas or interdisciplinary research ideas with IS and own majors.
  • Presentation will consist of (i) motivation, (ii) background theory, (iii) hypotheses, and (iv) possible data sources.
  • Presentation will be stopped promptly at 10 minutes. Hence, be advised to keep your slides within 7-8 pages.
  • Post your presentation slides on this site by Monday, March 21, 11:59 PM, so that the instructors and other students have enough time to look at and think about feedback.

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