MIS 9003 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Political and IT

The authors theorize that the national politics significantly affects IT investments in the federal government we discuss how the U.S. Congress influences federal IT investments.  They hypothesize that a federal agency’s capacity-building IT investments are associated with (i) legislative approval for the chief executive, (ii) government dividedness, and (iii) the agency’s ideological characteristic. They adopt a panel dataset from 135 federal agencies and bureaus in 2003-2016, the empirical analyses support all the hypotheses. It is demonstrated that the national politics has a significant impact on their IT investment profiles. A federal agency is more likely to make capacity-building IT investments when its chief executive is blessed with legislative approval, when the federal government is more united, and when it is ideologically more moderate They suggest in order to make more capacity-building IT investments, a federal agency needs more policy directives, greater political support and legitimacy, and sufficient resource endowment from Congress.

However, they did not analysis the effectiveness of IT investment or any other outcome variables of IT investment  in the study.

we discuss how the U.S. Congress influences federal IT investments.  They hypothesize that a federal agency’s capacity-building IT investments are associated with (i) legislative approval for the chief executive, (ii) government dividedness, and (iii) the agency’s ideological characteristic. They a panel dataset from 135 federal agencies and bureaus in 2003-2016, the empirical analyses support all the hypotheses. It is demonstrated that the national politics has a significant impact on their IT investment profiles. A federal agency is more likely to make capacity-building IT investments when its chief executive is blessed with legislative approval, when the federal government is more united, and when it is ideologically more moderate They suggest in order to make more capacity-building IT investments, a federal agency needs more policy directives, greater political support and legitimacy, and sufficient resource endowment from Congress. 

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