MIS 9003 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Input-output tables

The I-O accounts (tables) show how industries interact; specifically, they show how industries provide input to, and use output from, each other to produce Gross Domestic Product (GDP). These accounts provide detailed information on the flows of the goods and services that comprise the production process of industries. The I-O accounts are presented in a set of tables: Use, Make, Direct Requirements and Total Requirements. The Use table shows the inputs to industry production and the commodities that are consumed by final users. The Make table shows the commodities that are produced by each industry. The four Requirements tables are derived from the Use and Make tables. The Direct Requirements table shows the amount of a commodity that is required by an industry to produce a dollar of the industry’s output. The three Total Requirements tables show the production that is required, directly and indirectly, from each industry and each commodity to deliver a dollar of a commodity to final users. The Use table is the most frequently requested table because of its applications to the estimates of GDP.

For more detailed information, please refer to

[1] Input-output account data by Bureau of Economic Analysis


[2] Inter-industry relationship (Input-Output Matrix) by Bureau of Labor Statistics


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