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Audit Digital Enablement Associate

I will be working for KPMG’s Audit Digital Enablement division in their Philadelphia office.

In this role I will:

  • Work as part of the audit engagement team to support the use of Data and Analytics (D&A) in the audit including data extraction and analysis; utilize a range of technologies and data analysis tools, including SQL, MSBI Suite, IDEA, Excel, Alteryx, Qlikview and Power BI
  • Communicate with audit engagement teams the technical implications of D&A tools, including extraction of data, processing of data and delivery of audit reports
  • Work with the audit engagement teams to identify the scope of D&A capabilities used in the audit, review data driven reports and understand the insights gained in the audit and how the analysis is used to plan and execute the audit
  • Collaborate with client technology team to understand the technical configuration of the clients environment and discuss the technical implications of performing the data extractions and further analysis needed; learn to prepare clear, well-structured, organized and effective audit documentation for data processing procedures and data validation and documenting accurate status of data processing and delivery throughout the D&A lifecycle
  • Support the execution of a high-quality audit through the diligent performance of assigned tasks and professional client and engagement team interactions

This role heavily correlates to the knowledge and experience I have gained as an MIS major. In my time at Temple, I improved my overall technical knowledge which prepared me to learn how to use new software and applications in my role. Learning SQL was a major preparation for my role.

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