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Prompt Engineering: How to Talk to the AIs

s module discussed how to manipulate AI and use prompt engineering to get the most out of ai (gpt4) in many different workspaces. Generative AI is a new class of AI that can generate responses to human inputs. Zero-shot learning is a concept that generative ai’s use to learn concepts that are new o them without having to be trained. A prompt is what the user inputs to the AI and can be instructions, questions, examples, or input data.  Bad prompts can lead to misinformation while a well written prompt can be very beneficial, there are even some tools now to ensure your prompts are good. chain of through prompting is a reasoning tool used by AI to be factual through processing a series of steps before responding. In this module i learned how to properly speak to AI to teach and properly output exactly what I want. This will be useful for me in my professional carreer because as someone who will be using SQL and other coding languages, Ai will be very useful in generating templates for queries or functions. Using prompt engineering will help me get the most out of the AI resources available to me.

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