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IBIT Mentoring

1.    Please rate the IBIT Mentoring Application process, with 5 being excellent and 1 being poor. 

2.    How could the application process be improved?

3- Only because the application process over email seemed underwhelming to me, I feel as though professors should speak to students they want to apply in person and explain how valuable this program really is.


3.    Please rate your experience with the mentoring program overall. (5 being excellent, 1 being poor)

5- I really enjoyed meeting Bruce and found everything I was looking for when I applied and more by talking to him. Once in the flow of things the freedom to schedule our own meetings instead of fitting into a strict plan, really made the process painless and therefore I got more out of it.

4.    What was your favorite aspect of the mentoring program?

Bruce is a good guy with a lot of valuable information he gave out free of charge. I enjoyed talking to him and found that a lot of the process he went through I was in the beginning stages of myself. From his talks about academics to how he felt about working I related highly to everything he had to say.

5.    How could the mentoring program be improved?

Once in the program I really had no complaints it was well fit around the student’s schedule and provided valuable life lessons and a connection without much personal effort as the conversation tended to go off my plans anyway.

6.    Did you feel as though your mentor was well matched to your needs?

Absolutely I do

7.    Please provide any comments on your mentor (Were they helpful? Did you connect? Etc.)

Bruce is a down to earth guy with a lot of success behind him. Although he admits some of his stories are dated in that business has changed a lot since, he engages every story with relevant information that I was eager to learn.

8.    How has the mentoring program helped you? (If it hasn’t, put N/A and explain why) 

Just as I said in my application I wanted a mentor to help put MIS in real world terms because I was scared I was underutilizing my other major. Bruce helped me realize how important any advantage you have in a room is for any line of business I choose to go into. It helped ease my fears of the unknown and gave me a good connection for the future.

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