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Reference Letter

October 3, 2013


To Whom It May Concern:


This document is to serve as my letter of recommendation for Moussa Conde, a highly regarded staff member of the Public Affairs Department, Passenger Assistance Unit, at Philadelphia International Airport.  I am one of the first-line Supervisors in the Department.


Mr. Conde joined our Department in July of last year.  As a Bilingual Passenger Assistance Receptionist he serves as a primary contact person for passengers arriving directly from international locations, be they first-time visitors to our Nation, or else returning U.S. citizens or permanent residents.  In addition, Moussa plays an important role as frontline Airport representation for individuals and family members coming to meet passengers exiting the Federal Inspection System, domestic arrival areas, and at our Passenger Assistance Counter.    Other duties assigned to Bilingual Receptionists include participation in various Airport special events and ceremonies, and greeting assignments for visiting dignitaries, providing assistance to area press, and other related duties wherever needed.


Thus this part-time position, with a maximum two-year involvement cap, provides many opportunities for staff members to showcase their individual talents, and to develop and to fine-tune new ones!  Along these lines of consideration, Moussa has never disappointed us in any way.  He has displayed a deep interest, particularly toward those passengers whom he found were unable to communicate in the English language.  Moussa has a beautiful command of French, Malinke, Susu, and Pular; and with those skills he has provided important translation assistance to U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials, particularly with their secondary inspection process.  Also, he has rendered valuable assistance to many stranded or lost passengers at the Airport. Mr. Conde comports himself in a highly professional manner; and as a dedicated team player, he has made us proud on many an occasion.  His manner is easy and friendly; and his approach to problems is one of patience and understanding.  He listens well, and does not hesitate to seek further direction of supervision where necessary.  In addition, Moussa has demonstrated a certain level of agility both with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, talents which he must utilize in the course of providing customer service and information, and in addressing the needs of our required daily operational record keeping system.


Because of the gift Mr. Conde possesses for engaging with people, and for sensing and responding intelligently and quickly toward challenging, unexpected conditions; I feel that he will do no less – perhaps even more – to distinguish himself through the opportunities that internships, available scholarships, and future job opportunities will provide!  Mr. Conde is nothing, if not extraordinarily focused upon his ongoing educational pursuits, and his employment readiness.


Respectfully submitted,



Cedric A. Babb, Information Services Supervisor, Public Affairs A-East Office







Mary Conran Professor 02/2015

 “Moussa was a student of mine in several classes, including an experiential trip to Vietnam in 2013. He’s a good team-player and collaborator; he understands work processes and flows and is good at project management. He’s attentive to his work, is self-motivated, and is constantly seeking to expand his perspectives and skills. ”

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