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Work Experience

  • Through almost all of high school up until today, I have been working for multiple people doing yard work, ranging from mowing lawns to pulling weeds. Last summer I mowed weekly for three people and did other various jobs through the summer.
  • Worked for a moving company my junior year of High School where I worked in the warehouse loading and unloading trucks, that were filled with peoples belongings.
  • From October 2015 to August 2016, I had an internship at Temple Administrative Building, where I did various things. I’ve done small things like fix a problem that someones been having with their computer, to completely re-doing how an entire Mail Merge is ran through Microsoft Word and Excel. I coded in Word to say specific texts, when a value in Excel matched up with it. The end result allowed me to send hundreds of people personal letters, in one click of a button.


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