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Fox School of Business Immersion Program:

  • A program designed to get Fox students involved within the school and university, to provide networking opportunities and become young, active professionals.
  • Receive points by being involved in student organizations, attending guest speaker sessions, and attending events hosted or sponsored by the Fox School.

Fox School of Business Living Learning Community

  • Around 50 freshman business students lived within close proximity of each other in the residence halls.
  • The program was to help provide networking opportunities for the new students, helping them get a head start on their professional careers.
  • A special seminar course was provided which focused on leadership, networking, professionalism and other valuable business, career and life skills.

Fox School of Business Mentor Program

  • Upperclassmen who were highly active in their previous years mentor incoming freshman and transfer students.
  • They share their experiences at Temple, give advice on courses and involvement, and help their mentees with their questions or concerns.
  • I was privileged to have two mentees, whom I helped to ease their transition into Temple University.

Temple University Study Abroad

  • Was 1 out of 100 students, out of many more who applied, to study abroad at Temple’s campus in Rome.
  • Took 2 courses while living in Rome for 6 weeks in Summer 2012.

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