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American Marketing Association – Programming Committee (September 2012 – Present) – The American Marketing Association works to improve students skills in marketing, networking, and leadership building while providing an enjoyable atmosphere. Professional speakers are brought to meetings to educate members and tell them about their experiences in the business world and discuss the marketing world. I am on AMA’s Programming Committee in which I assist in planning, coordinating, marketing and hosting events for the American Marketing Association and Temple University.


Phi Beta Lambda – Social and States Committee (September 2011 – Present)  – Phi Beta Lambda is a business fraternity that works to build its members professionalism while also improving their skills in leadership, networking and business in general, while providing an enjoyable atmosphere. Professional speakers are brought in to educate members of their experiences and of the business world. They relate their experiences to networking, leadership and any other valuable business lessons. I am on PBL’s Social and States Committee in which I assist in organizing and officiating social events for the association designed to provide a better atmosphere within the association and its members and also prepare the organization for the PBL States Competition.

IBA-logo-2014-small-1024x244International Business Association – Public Relations Committee (September 2011 – Present) – The International Business Association educates members on the international world, and business itself while providing an enjoyable atmosphere. Professional speakers are brought in to discuss their experiences in the business world and talk about networking, leadership, globalization and other valuable business skills and lessons. I am on IBA’s Public Relations Committee in which I assist in organizing and officiating social and charitable events for the association and partake in charities and fundraisers held by the association.

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