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In the summer of 2012 I studied abroad at Temple University Rome where I continued my college education taking two courses, one being writing intensive, while also gaining valuable experience in another country. For 6 weeks I immersed myself in a different culture from my own and learned how to adapt easily to a new setting. I learned Italian traditions, customs, and the language. I arrived in Rome only knowing a few phrases and words in Italian, but within a few weeks I had improved my Italian skills greatly.

My experience studying abroad is, as of now, by far the best thing to ever happen to me.  It was an incredible experience which I will never forget. I learned so much about the city of Rome and all of it’s history, as well as Italy as a whole. My eyes were opened as I gained a new perspective of the world, and I now look at foreign countries, and the United States as well, in a brand new, enlightened way. I met so many incredible people while I was there.

Below are a few places I was lucky enough to visit in person.

Faraglione Rocks, Capri

Villa D’este, Italy

Altare della Patria, Rome

Coliseum, Rome

Positano, Italy

Skyline View of Rome




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