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Interests and Hobbies

I have had a lifelong interest in consumer electronics.  I am fascinated by the technology in televisions,  gaming consoles, and any tech-heavy gadget.  I traveled to Las Vegas for CES (Consumer Electronics Show) , annually, for work when I was in the industry.  Since 2010, I no longer worked in the industry,  but still have attended the conference for leisure.  I spend an hour every day researching new technology.   The growth in tech over the last ten years is mind boggling, and I can not wait to see what develops in the future.

I also have a passion for cooking.   Growing up, my family owned restaurants and I was exposed to the kitchen early and often.   I owned my own restaurant from 2010 to 2013.  While the freedom to create my own recipes and the trill of seeing people pay for AND enjoy my food was great,  the hours and stress of running a restaurant proved to me that cooking should be confined to my home.  I continue to learn new culinary techniques and practice with friends and family.

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