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Technology Intern

  1. Job function:
    Contribute to the development of web-based enterprise applications using a variety of tools and open source technologies.
    Perform bug verification, user acceptance testing, automated testing, and support on applications.
    Grow your development skills in areas such as web applications, object-orientated programming, DevOps, data management,  and testing frameworks.
    Work both individually and as part of a team to hone your skills.
    Learn the ins-and-outs of working in a enterprise software development environment.
    Invest time in ongoing education, including reading, watching recorded technical talks, and attending local meetups.
  2. Examples of project:
    AppDev Dashboard
  3. What you learned and how it relates to your major:
    I learned how to build relationship with teammates in Agile, understand SMART goals, how to seek out mentorship to grow my own experience, how to understand accountability, how to communicate effectively, clearly and concisely in written and verbal form. I leaned how to use JIRA, Confluence, and Bitbicket.









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