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Professional Development 2: SCLC Panel

  1. SCLC- Student Chapter Leader Conference

  2. The event was on zoom on Feb. 15th 2020.
  3. Steps for project for competition:

    1. Industry research
    2. Plan timeline
    3. Clean data
    4. Visualizations
    5. Map out story
    6. Develop branding
    7. Put it together
    8. Speech/Writing

    Write Up sequence

    1. Intro
    2. Data Cleaning
    3. Data Analysis
      1. Prioritize top findings
    4. Recommendations
    5. Conclusion
      1. Pick me

    Presentation- Make sure you are confident presenting all of your material in the time limit. Prepare your delivery for a digital format.

    Types of Questions:

    • Data Cleaning
    • The Whys?
    • Recommendation
    • More Time
    • Most important
    • You\’re wrong

    Final Thoughts

    • Your team- Complementary skill set
    • Platforms- TableauPrep, Tableau, Canva, Excel
    • Story- Make it compelling
    • Mentorship- Leverage all resources
  4. This activity relates to my coursework because I am doing a web design project in Lead Global Projects and this video was very helpful for when I take on that project.

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