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Career Objectives & Experience

finance (1)

Being from another country has really been very beneficial to me in many areas of my life. Other than just having a new, different perspective from many people here, I have different skills and interest that may help businesses surpass in their industry. I currently am majoring in Finance and minoring in Management Information Systems. But, I am hoping that eventually I would major in Management Information systems and minor in Finance. Moreover, I would like to use both of these degrees with business consulting, financial analysis, technology consulting, and much more. I plan on helping businesses expand and multiply their revenue with consulting them on things to do, and business development strategies using technology.

retail_logo_company_largeOver the summer of my freshman year (2013) I worked as an Accountant trainee with Retail Group, back in my hometown Amman, Jordan. It was a great experience working for a Retail company that owned 50 retail stores all over Jordan.  I would enter data into the system we worked with which was called “Infinity”, I would enter data like the receipts, discount cards, gift cards, and so on into the system as general journals. At the end of each month I had to conduct balance sheets and income statements. This experience made me realize I want to do much more than just entering numbers into a system, rather getting more involved in the business and as a result I changed my major into Finance.




Summer (2014)  worked with Campus Special  in a program that offers students discounts, and promotions from local businesses around them. My title was  Account executive and my job included going around local businesses and try to integrate them and persuade them to join the program, I did around 30 businesses per day. I am very excited and eager that I learned, and gained experience from this great opportunity.



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