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I was assigned Chair for the Economics and Financial Affairs Council


I have many interests but one of the main ones that I have been doing since high school is Model United Nations. This is an organization that is worldwide known, it is an assimilation of the real United Nations. Whether it is discussing poverty, rights, or the economy, I have learned a great amount and gained a lot of experience from Model United Nations. In high school I attended a one week conference at Harvard University, as well as a conference in Italy. So this helped me travel a lot more and understand many different aspects of the world I never knew about. I really enjoy the debate and the feel of finding solutions for real life world events that occur.


I earned the Most Outstanding Athlete



One hobby that I really enjoy and have been practicing for a while is Basketball. I have been playing basketball for a long time and I have learned much more than just the skill set of Basketball. Being the captain of my high school team for four years I learned many skills that helped me with my daily life. Some skills I have acquired because of this would be dedication, discipline, leadership, execution, determination and motivation. Working with team members helped me get used to the kinds of environment I would be working with in a job atmosphere.



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