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Career Objectives & Aspirations

Although I am currently an economics and finance double major, my true passion lies in economics.  With finance as a second major, however, I have realized the significant overlap between finance and economics.  I find the quantitative reasoning, logic, and planning aspects of the fields of study most appealing to me.  Subsequently, because I have worked with my hands my entire life, my ideal career would involve quantitative reasoning through articulate planning and physically aiding in implementing and completing the project I planned.  Therefore, my career objectives and aspirations are as follows:

-Complete my undergraduate education in economics and finance

-Pursue and obtain either an MBA from Wharton or a doctorate degree in economics from the University of Chicago

-Obtain a consulting, urban planning and development, or project management job from either a government or government-supported firm

-Ultimately, become an economic advisor to the White House or a top planner/consultant for major government-funded projects

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