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The cybercrime link from those behind the door (incarcerated) to those in the free world

Dr. Tessa Cole presented this webinar about cybercrime and institutional problems within the government, finances, and of course technology. She expands on some definitions of Cybercrime. Cyber-dependent crimes are usually conducted through a computer (e.g. hacking and phishing). Cyber-enabled crimes use a computer to create a crime (e.g. using a computer to get a fake ID). A lot of cybercriminals use aliases to avoid detection by account takeovers, SIM card swapping, etc. She talks about how phones are still not regulated because you can access so much while on your phone like the dark web. SIM card swapping has been a problem for a couple of years now but has grown into a more pressing issue since 2022. Dr. Cole has recommendations as to how to improve justice on cybercrimes She believes that harsher punishments for those in conspiracy (including businesses) should be enforced. Uniformly sanctioning computer crimes (regardless of state or federal considering the nature of the internet). Finally, she says to create appropriate laws instead of forcing personnel to “layer” charges for criminality. Someone in the audience asks about recent cases of her involving criminal use of AI. She expands on the horrors of “deepfake” and how many states handle these cases differently to confirm whether or not certain media is AI generated through “deepfake”. She talks about how many victims get reoffended through a state’s way of confirming whether or not it is their face or body produced through “deepfake”.



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