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This Year
280 Points
530 Points
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Interesting Facts Page

Movie(s) I have watched over and over… : Ride Along, Animal House and Grown Ups

Favorite sports teams… : Cleveland Browns, Guardians and Cavaliers I also like the Flyers as well

TV show(s) I’m watching right now… : I’m currently rewatching Friends and Family Guy

Places I have lived…: In Philadelphia and Landenberg PA

Pets… : I have two cats a dog and a pond with two koi fish.

Apps I visit daily… : Tik Tok, Instagram, ESPN Fantasy

Favorite things to do outside of school & work… : Play videogames, hang out with friends and listen to music.

Coolest thing I’ve ever done… : I went to the Cavaliers training facility when I was younger and toured the place and met some players.

My proudest atypical accomplishment… : I’m a black belt in taekwondo.

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