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sportsOne of my hobbies is staying active. I love to stay active by working out in the gym and playing team sports either socially or competitively. I love to stay active because exercising is a way for me to feel good about myself. Lifting weights and running  help me focus on creating a healthy physical build and higher levels of self-esteem and self-confidence. I also love to play sports, which I have done for my entire life. From baseball to basketball, hockey to football, or running to rowing, I have been exposed to a lot of sports, which has been an essential part of who I am today. Team sports have taught me a lot of things about being able to work and collaborate with a team to finish the task at hand and about being a leader, which are key attributes of successful people.





Another hobby of mine is traveling. Ever since I was very little, my family and I have taken trips to many different places across the country. I love going to new places because I like investigating and trying new things that are particular to that place’s culture, since I am only used to the Philadelphian culture. Traveling to new places is always very exciting because I never know what to expect and I like to take initiative in seeing the different aspects of every destination I visit, such as historical and popular landmarks, sporting events, and unique eateries. One of my favorite vacations was a family trip to Williamsburg, VA. We visited many landmarks in Colonial Williamsburg, which is made famous from the structures still standing from the Revolutionary War, and then went to popular amusement parks, Busch Gardens and Water Country USA.




One interest of mine is music. I have always loved music because it helps me express whatever mood that I am in. When I was in elementary and middle school, I started my music career by playing the trumpet and then the baritone, but that quickly came to end because of my active role in sports. But that only strengthened my love for music, even though I was not playing. Music was always there for me. From happy or sad, nervous or excited, there is always a song to help either get me out a negative mood or help me enjoy a positive one.  I like to listen to all kinds of music, but I always choose country music over everything else. Country music trumps all other types of music because there is always a story that is being told, which is often able to be related to in my life.




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