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The Pride of The Cherry and White

I am currently a member and trumpet player of the nationally recognized Diamond Marching Band here at Temple. The band consists of approximately 200 members, including, brass, woodwind, percussion, and color guard performers. Having the opportunity to work and collaborate with so many talented musicians has been incredible. Being a part of this tremendous organization has helped me grow and mature as a person. Coordinating 200 people to all move and play in unison is not an easy task. This requires a level of focus and leadership that many students will not find in other clubs and groups on campus.


I am grateful to share all of these wonderful experiences with my friends and fellow members of the band. The band has performed on talk shows including, the Today Show, Good Morning America, and Hardball. They have been featured in commercials, an upcoming television series, the Oscar nominated film “The Wolf of Wall Street”, and most recently the big screen remake of “Annie”. With the success of our football team this past season, the band traveled to the 2015 Boca Raton Bowl in Boca Raton, Florida.

Boca Raton Bowl_1449500941214_1081958_ver1.0_1280_720

Check us out at one of our home games from this past season:

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