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This Year
280 Points
965 Points
MIS Badge

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Customer Service Representative

Job Description (from company site):

  • Receiving and Processing Packages for Domestic and International Shipping
  • Sorting and Processing Postal Mail for Mailbox Customers
  • Printing and Copying for Quick Prints and large Print Jobs
  • Managing a fast paced environment
  • Working with a sense of urgency and attention to detail
  • Ability to critically think and problem solve on the job (especially during busy times/peak seasons)
  • Exhibiting confidence by knowing best practices as related to the industry
  • Continuously eager to grow, learn, and train – Learning to expertly pack and ship items, produce quality print products, education of our products through upsell and cross sell
  • Willingness to learn or display knowledge of the Adobe CS suites, Microsoft Office products, Point of Sale, Counter Manifest System (CMS), other technology on site.
  • Greeting customers in a timely manner
  • Creating an atmosphere that is fun and welcoming to customers and teammates

I feel that this job helped me hone my communication skills, as this is an environment in which communication is very important. Making small talk with various customers every day also helped me build my soft skills, as I have become very comfortable with communicating with people from various walks of life.

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