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Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity

This LinkedIn Learning addressed the potential benefits and threats that an organization could face when incorporating an AI to assist with cybersecurity functions. Although an AI system may help make mundane tasks more manageable, they introduce their own suite of cybersecurity issues themselves. Prompt injection could affect the confidentiality of  business functions, data poisoning could impact the integrity, and simply taking the system offline could impact the availability of the system. Despite all this, AI can still be a great asset to business operations, as long as proper care is taken when it comes to implementation. An example of this is how quickly an AI may be able to recognize and respond to a threat, especially in the absence of available human specialists. This course aligns with my career goals because it is my aspiration to enter into the cybersecurity field. I believe that it is important to know any advantage an organization or criminal may have when going into a field like this, especially when criminals only need to be correct once to have a catastrophic impact on business or personal information.

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