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Sales Intern

In the spring of 2024, I worked part-time at Hi-Made International Trade Co., headquartered in Taiwan. This company is active in the manufacturing industry and is recognized for its influential market presence and varied product offerings. As a Sales Intern, my job was to promote products, meet sales goals set by the marketing team, attract new clients, and analyze the competition. I also planned and carried out sales initiatives in my area and maintained relationships with clients.

During my internship, I took part in projects like setting up exhibitions and working with clients to develop new products. Another important project involved creating a strategic plan for long-term partnerships with major clients.

This internship was incredibly valuable for my studies in Management Information Systems, especially my data analytics course. I learned to use data analysis to study sales information, spotting trends and opportunities. This hands-on use of data analytics helped me understand how information systems can help a business run better and achieve its goals. This experience closely ties to what I’m learning in school and my future career plans.

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