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Multicultural healthy food brand “Neilly's” launches rice mixes at ...


Assistant to Operations Manager

During the summers of 2017, 2018, and 2019 I had the pleasure of working at Neilly’s Foods LLC, which is a food manufacturing company based out of York, Pennsylvania. Starting off as a receptionist I eventually gained the opportunity to work under the operations manager in production. This wonderful experience provided me with the freedom to learn new systems and procedures efficiently. Using systems such as Retail Link and EDI I was able to create and process invoices and purchase orders swiftly. I also aggregated and prepared documentation and reports for office meetings, distribution, and filing.


Koja Grille Restaurant



During my sophomore year I began working for this prepared foods business that serves as a staple on Temple University’s campus. Starting off as a cashier I was able to work side by side with my fellow co-workers to produce final products and make sure business procedures were completed efficiently and in a timely manner. Along with my other responsibilities I also maintained the lead role in managing e-commerce transactions on various different platforms.

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