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Soccer Post Lehigh Valley

  1. During this project, Connor McShane and I worked to improve Len Bilous’ company, Soccer Magic. We were assisted in this process by our advisor, Mary Muldoon. In the beginning, we listed four deliverables that we wanted to implement for his company, but ultimately two deliverables were removed. The deliverables that we decided on improving were implementing a better SEO structure for the website and providing a social media best practices plan to help improve their marketing strategy. We met with Len and his IT employee, Misha, throughout the process to learn how to use their website platform, Lightspeed, which Connor and I were unfamiliar with prior to the project. Connor and I split the work evenly among us, and we finished the project on time. I was responsible for accessing their Lightspeed account and improving their SEO by adding new keywords and descriptions to their products on the website. Additionally, I was responsible for researching how to best step into marketing their company on Facebook and provided documentation on how to do so. During this experience, I learned how to use new platforms such as Lightspeed and learned about social media marketing as well. I believe that Len will be happy with our improvements on the website, and I am grateful for the opportunity to help. The site can be accessed at:

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