My Experience
Since I am a newly transfer student at Temple University I have not had much experience in an internship position. I do plan on acquiring an internship in the Summer of 2012 and am constantly looking for intriguing business to be employed with. I will mainly be looking for companies that will help me gain valuable experience in the related fields of MIS or IT.
The following is a small business that I am employed at:
Kabobeesh Restaurant. Kabobeesh is a small restaurant located in University City area of Philadelphia, serving college students and business employees. I have been employed here for the past 5 years and am now the manager of this location. My duties here consists of keeping control over daily operations and the employees under my shift. I keep checks and balances on money flow coming in and out of the restaurant and also making sure inventory of supplies is up to date. Working here has thought me tremendously on operations of a business and the risks that come along with it. With the managerial skills I have learned working here over the past years, I believe I can put them to use in any scenario at companies that I will be employed at in the future.