Meet the People. Learn the Language.

About the Project

Studying abroad or visiting in a foreign country can be intimidating and frightening when one does not know the lay of the land or the language in the given destination. In fact, fear of not knowing another language is one of the top reasons many fail to ever explore other countries. With 82% of Americans speaking solely English, Outta-Towner strives to bridge the cultural and language gap many Americans face by providing an application that will allow locals and tourist to connect. Our travel and social mobile application will serve as a platform where tourists can link up with  natives of the land in order to practice a new language and/or have a local to tour and explore a new country with.

To begin the Outta-Towner experience, users are required to fill out a detailed questionnaire, highlighting their travel interests, background and other personal information. In conjunction with connecting  a Facebook profile, members of the Outta-Towner community will have accurate, transparent profiles, making connecting a local and tourist together an effortless process. Upon connection, the local and tourist can make plans to journey to various places or participate in activities based upon their shared interest.

To learn more about how Outta-Towner works, explore our project deliverables and research pages.