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CPO (Chief of Product and Partnership) Analyst Intern

Ruangguru is an education-technology startup company that was founded in 2014. The Jakarta, Indonesia-based company had expanded to emerging Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam and Thailand. The company is 5,000 employees huge with approximately 300,000 teachers offering services. I have the opportunity to work closely with Ruangguru’s Chief of Product and Partnership Officer in the C-Level team.

In this team, I worked as an intern to focus on the company’s product development, product research, tackling product issues and bugs, and communicating partner need to our product team. Overall, I was expected to focus on Ruangguru’s latest product ‘Ruangkerja’ a corporate training application or Learning Management System (LME) that has a mobile application and a monitoring dashboard. In this product, I worked closely with our client Pertamina, the largest Indonesian state-owned oil company, to ensure they have the features and training content that they want in the mobile application. I communicate this with the product team and able to successfully report this to my user. Moreover, I help to ensure our mobile application has a smooth workflow by locating issues and bugs to the developer. We were able to effectively launch this product with a relatively low issue.

I learned a number of important areas of product development especially hearing and communicating the client’s needs to the product team and the developers. We often find out that we need to do design sprints that were taught on MIS 3535. It is very difficult to effectively communicate what the client wants especially when they are not fully aware of the product workflow. Therefore, we need to have a continuous user interview and use it as a basis to improve on the design sprint.

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