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MIS 2101: In this class, I learned the the general concepts of what management information systems is. I learned the basics of coding in Javascript as well.

The basics of JavaScript allows me to be efficient and quick. The basics are essential to conducting a great website or application. It helps me stay organized and neat while coding. Simple things like a line break or headers allow me to articulate my goal through code. I can use these skills to build basic web page prototype for companies.

MIS 2402: In this class, I learned how to code in Javascript as well as utilizing HTML and CSS in order to compose applications and websites.

I learned many different features of JavaScript that enhanced my knowledge in this course. I was introduced to API’s and functions. Without functions, codes would not nearly be as advanced as they are today. I can make many functions that allow me to practically create anything I want to create. It allows for more creativity. If my boss ever asks a favor of me for a project, I can potentially utilize a function to get the job done! It helps for efficiency as I can reuse the function throughout my whole entire code. This saves effort and time.

MIS 2502: In this class, I learned how to analyze, organize, and retrieve all sorts of data from different databases.

I learned about SQL in this class. SQL is extremely important to companies today. It stores data. I can store data for big companies or banks. I can create all sorts of tables, columns, and rows to store important information like customer or employee data. This is important because this can make a company extremely efficient by having data stored and ready to go. All it takes is a simple SQL command line to retrieve it! I can insert and delete data.

MIS 4596: In this class, I learned about cybersecurity and everything that comes with it. I learned how to hack and how to defend against it. I learned about hashes and encrypted data. In this course, I was able to use Kali Linux and breach a fake company in order to steal their data. I was able to retrieve customer and employee information like credit cards and social security numbers. This skill can be useful for companies because I also know how to fight against hackers. Protecting data is important!

MIS 3502: In this class, I learned much more about API’s and coding in general. We created so many applications and web pages in this course. It became first nature to me. I created working prototypes that integrated SQL, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS all together. I operated on both the client and server side code at once. I started the server to listen on ports and issued GET, POST, and DELETE requests on various apps.

MIS 3535: In this class, I learned about many different approaches to project management.  I learned about the importance of teamwork and much more. This is very important for companies today because chemistry can make a break a great project. I learned about AGILE development. I made a website for a real client that included plugins and many features.

Financial Accounting: In this class, I learned how to keep track of money inside of financial accounts using various methods as well as updating accounts when needed to. I did this from a stakeholder’s perspective.

Managerial Accounting: In this class, I learned how to look at money and accounts from a managers perspective.

Marketing: In this class, I learned how to position my brand or business in the best way possible for it to succeed and achieve sales.

HRM: In this class, I learned how to manage and utilize employees in order to achieve the most efficiency out of the workforce.

Risk Management: In this class, I learned about potential risks that companies can face as well as how to mitigate these risks.

Legal Environment of Business: In this class, I learned about the laws surrounding businesses and the cases that arises from violation of these laws.





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