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Background Information

Firstly I’d like to thank you for taking the time to learn more about me. As stated my name is Philip Colanzi and I am from Cherry Hill, New Jersey. For as long as I could remember I have been surrounded by a business type setting. I basically  grew up in my Grandfather’s successful car dealership, watching and learning the trade from all angles. By growing up in this type of business I had learned more lessons about business by my twelfth birthday, than many kids do by the time they graduate college. The used car industry taught me endless lessons on the importance of investments and exactly the right way to make them. This is how I explain my fascination with the stock market, which I still carry with me today. Following the dealership my family opened an Italian restaurant directly in the middle of the Ocean City Boardwalk which I still help manage today. I have worked every position in the business from dishwasher when needed to my position today as the full-manager manager. Working at these various levels has kept me humble yet has taught me a great deal of attributes related to customer service and management.

I am a strong believer in looking at the bright side of things and looking at the best opportunities that different situations present. For example when the recession of 2008 hit, many people became very discouraged in the economy, including my business owning family. I rather saw this as a perfect opportunity to make more money than ever. I perfectly remember the day I saw Ford’s stock drop to exactly $1.01, and  relentlessly begging my grandfather to invest in the company that’s been a cornerstone of the American economy since the early 20th century. When he finally listened and waited out the trough, I’m sure there is no need for me to tell you who became his favorite grand son by the time he sold his shares for $15.00 a piece in 2011.

As a young business student I have elected to leave my options open on any internship, hoping to find the right job to bring all my skills together. I have no preference for a smaller or bigger company, as I know I have the ability to succeed in both.  I pride myself on being a quick learner, hard worker, and am very flexible in terms of skills. I come from a small private school background which has instilled values that also set me apart from the average employee. Lastly with the restaurant being seasonal I now work as a an IAABO Board #34 high school basketball official. I am the youngest member of my board by 7 years and am entering my 3rd season on the board. Balancing this job with schoolwork has taught me responsibility and time management skills beyond measure. Despite only being 20 I referee JV basketball, and may be doing varsity in as soon as 6 months, requiring much maturity on the court.  Thank you for reading my background information and you will see more about each occupation in my resume.

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