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Career Aspirations and Interests

To be honest with you, as it stands today, I do not have a specific career aspiration. When I first started at Temple I was a journalism student, and after a year in the journalism school not knowing what to do with a journalism degree, I transferred into the Fox School of Business. Now after about two years in Fox, I still do not have a one set career in mind, rather, I have a few:

To start: I have always been a fan of sports, and the more I learn about the business aspects of sports the more I would like to some day become involved in the day to day operations of a team’s front office.

Another career interest I have is not so much business, but more people. Politics have always interested me by way of its ability to help and work for people. So my hope is that throughout my young career I can make the necessary connections to help fulfill my dream to one day serve in government at either the city, state, or federal level.

Yet another career interest I have is the bar and restaurant world. I have been working in a bar restaurant since I started at Temple University, and I have enjoyed learning the ins and outs of how to operate one successfully. I hope that I am given the chance to work as a manager where I currently work during my senior while finishing up my studies. I feel it would be a great opportunity before I am graduated, and looking for a full-time job.

My last career interest has been brought on by one of my courses this semester, Introduction to Real Estate. In class, I have been learning a great deal about Real Estate, and if I take the next Real Estate course in the program I would be able to sit for the Real Estate exam. I have my professor to thank for her vigor for and experience in Real Estate, which has inspired me to consider it as a possible career in the future.

Even though I may not have specific career aspirations, I have plenty of interests spread out across a vast amount of areas, and at the end of the day I do not want or need to be the most successful, or the wealthiest person in the room, as long as I have helped make the world a little bit better for someone I will have fulfilled my goals.


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