Community Platform
  • Analytics
  • Systems analysis
  • Usability
  • User Experience Design (UX)
This Year
255 Points
1005 Points
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  1. Leadership and Organizational Management: I took this class in my 2020 Fall semester to learn about the aspects of being a leader and how to work efficiently with others in the workforce. I loved this class and the professor because he made hard concepts easy to interpret and I valued the importance of organization and efficient workflow.
  2. Macroeconomic Principles: I was able to learn about the different aspects of business cycles such as economic growth, monetary and fiscal policy, and international economics. In this class, I was able to learn about the economy in the corporate and government perspective. It flows the three principles of full employment rate, price stability for products and services, and last but not least economic growth.
  3. Digital Systems (MIS2101): I took this class in my Spring 2021 semester to begin to learn about the role of information systems and digital platforms in business such as software architectures and APIs. In this class, I was able to experience how to work with SalesForce and what capabilities it has for corporation and I can use the skills I have learned to interest my employers because it is a popular cloud service today.
  4. Data and Analytics (MIS2502): I always love learning about data and doing analytics about them. It fascinates me with all the possibilities and predictions I can come up with just previously learned data. In class, we were able to use decision trees and touched on R Studios to further predict customer behaviors and purchases from using old data.
  5. Web Application Development (MIS2402): Before this class, I have never had experience with coding before so I did not know what to expect from it. Throughout the course, I was able to learn bits and pieces of coding Javascript, which I had a hard time understanding at first but at the end of the course, I was able to create my own website that track cryptocurrency prices and was able to pass my final exam. Overall, I loved this class and it was very different from the other classes that I had before.
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