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Growing up, I had interests in many things such as sports, places I wanted to travel to, and the hobbies I would do almost every day. Here are some of my interests that I have developed throughout my life.

MOVIES: Fast & Furious

One of my favorite movies of all time has to be the first Fast & Furious movie. It was the start of a brotherhood relationship that carried throughout the series. They made their connection through their love for cars.

SPORTS: Baltimore Ravens

When I first came to America, I was surrounded by people who were sports enthusiasts so I would see sports games played every day on the television, which was how I developed my love for sports today. I was told to root for the Philadelphia Eagles but as a kid, I did not like the color green very much, so I chose to root for the Baltimore Ravens because it was my favorite color and it stuck with me. I was able to witness the Ravens win their 2012 Super Bowl and remembering how the power outage was almost a miracle for the Niners to make their comeback on us.

APPS I VISIT DAILY: Instagram & iMessage

I love to interact with others because it allows me to connect with them but also have them as support when there are bad times. Having people to talk to about topics that you wouldn’t normally talk to your parents or siblings is great, which is why I text people on iMessage most of the time. When my friends are busy, I would go on Instagram and see posts that people made about their day, it would be something small like seeing them getting ice cream. It is cool to see what others do every day compared to what I do.

TV SHOW I’M WATCHING RIGHT NOW: Captain Falcon & The Winter Soldier

I have always been a fan of superheroes, I have watched every Marvel movie ever made! Now that Disney is making shows about them takes it to another level. The WandaVision series was one of my favorite shows I have ever watched, although it was short, it was also engaging, leaving cliffhangers and mindblowing endings. I highly recommend both WandaVision and Captain Falcon and the Winter Soldier series if you are into the Marvel Universe like me.

COOLEST THING I’VE EVER DONE: Building my own computer

As a kid, I always had an interest in technology, it was fascinating to see how many things people used to do such as going to the library to find books to read. Nowadays, we can just type it on our computers or phones and the book will come up right away. I also found it interesting how small computer parts could do so many things so I wanted to build my own. My parents agreed and bought the necessary components to successfully make one. Once I finished building and it was able to turn on, it left me speechless, I felt like the coolest kid on the block.


When I am not doing school work and have some free time, I would play video games. I play different genres of games from something simple as Tetris to basketball games like 2K. It puts my mind off of school work and I get to have fun with my friends while doing so. It is a great stress reliever!

PETS: Fish 

When I was around 10 years old, one of my family members gave me a fish tank as a gift. So my parents took me to PetSmart and we bought a little fish home. I would watch it swim around the fish tank every day and overfeeding it because I was so amazed. Then, unfortunately, it passed away, I don’t remember what happened but it was my first and only pet, I wish to get a dog or a cat in the future when I have my own house.

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