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Technology Analyst

Official Job Title: Tech Analyst

Name of the Organization: Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)

Job Date: September 2024

Job Description Paragraph:

  • Information about the Organization: The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is a government agency dedicated to safeguarding environmental resources and ensuring public health through regulatory and conservation efforts. The DEP manages a range of programs related to water, air, and land quality. I will be working in the IT division, focusing on enhancing the agency’s technological capabilities to support its environmental missions.
  • Job Function: As a Tech Analyst at the DEP, my role involves supporting and optimizing the agency’s information technology systems. I will be responsible for analyzing system requirements, troubleshooting technical issues, and assisting with the implementation of new technologies. My tasks will include maintaining software applications, ensuring data integrity, and providing technical support to various departments to improve operational efficiency and data management.
  • How the Job Relates to My Major: This role is directly related to my major in Management Information Systems (MIS). My coursework in systems analysis, database management, and IT project management has prepared me for this position. Specifically, classes such as Data Analytics have equipped me with the skills needed to analyze and improve IT systems, manage technical projects, and utilize data to support decision-making processes. This job will allow me to apply these academic concepts in a practical, government-focused setting, enhancing the DEP’s technological infrastructure.

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