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  • Web Application Development (MIS 2402)
    Develop web-based applications that integrate web services
  • Data and Analytics (MIS 2502)
    Analyze and present insights from business data
  • Cloud Architecture (MIS 3406)
    Design and build cloud-based infrastructures for scalable application deployment
  • User Experience Design (MIS 3506)
    Describe, scope, and build a complete user experience
  • Mobile Application Development (MIS 3580)
    Create and deploy a complete, end-to-end, mobile application through android

The coursework I have taken during my time at Temple University will greatly benefit me in the field of any type of work. I learned many types of skills such as coding in different languages to being able to dissect a database and navigate through Amazon Web Services. All these skills will help me adapt to many different environments in different fields of work.


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