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Webinar: Data Science Roles in Tech

On September 29, I attended an online webinar that I found on Eventbrite and sponsored by PrepVector.

The speaker is Manisha Arora, a data scientist that works with Google. She has 8 years of experience in Data science. She currently leads multiple end–to-end projects at Google Ads. Manisha is passionate about coaching aspiring tech professionals and has coached 300+ data scientists over the past 4 years.

The webinar was very informative and I learned a lot. I learned about how fast Data Science is growing and how there are so many jobs and opportunities that are opening up in the field. Communication skills are so important in the field because you will have a team that you work with. Data Science have different roles that include research, machine learning, and product or experimentation. Research include identifying new opportunities for data science research contributions. Machine learning include partnering with stakeholders to build scalable analytics solutions. Product or experimentation includes partnering with stakeholders to measure metrics and run experiments.

This webinar will help in my career goals because one of the industries that I am interested in is data science. The webinar allowed me to expand my knowledge on data science.

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