Community Platform
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Blockchain
  • Cognitive computing
  • Consumer applications and technologies
This Year
470 Points
820 Points
MIS Badge

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  • Digital Systems (Honors): Learned the basics of the constantly evolving technology business field and gained experience in coding with JavaScript, including creating a final project that involved calculating an investor score in response to input by the user.
  • MIS 3580 (Python): Learned how to code with Python, which included multiple hands-on activities and a deeper understanding of how Python can be useful within the business field.
  • Marketing Management (Honors): Learned marketing tactics and built multiple product cases from scratch based on real businesses of the past, which included a case write up and an excel model for each individual project.
  • Statistics 1102: Learned the basics of calculus and statistics in addition to learning how to utilize excel in a multitude of different ways.
  • Human Resource Management (Honors): Learned how to operate and manage people within a business environment, the keys to becoming a leader within a workplace, and worked with group members on collaborative business projects that included weekly presentations on different companies and their potential.
  • Intellectual Heritage 1 (Honors): An English class that helped educate us on past literature and furthered our understanding of the world around us today.
  • Legal Environment of Business: Learned the basics of the legal system and began an understanding how business and law influence coexist.

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