Community Platform
  • Analytics
  • Application development
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • more...
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Related Courses Spring 2022:

-Cloud Architecture (MIS 3406)

In cloud architecture, I am learning how to construct cloud-based applications on Amazon Web Services. I am learning how to effectively scale and secure these applications.

-User Experience Design (MIS 3506)

In user experience design, I am learning how to analyze, describe, and scope an effective user experience. I am learning the importance of affordances and signifiers as well as the difference between slipping and mistakes.

Related Courses Fall 2021:

-Web Application Development(MIS 2402)

In web application development, I learned how to use and become proficient in web-based programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript and CSS. I learned how to leverage all 3 different languages to construct a comprehensive, well designed, and interactive website. I also learned how to query API’s using jQuery functions to call an API to both GET and POST data to my very own website.

-Data and Analytics(MIS 2502)

In this course, I have learned how to construct database schemas and relational databases as well as how to query data from Databases using MySQL Workbench and MongoDB. I constructed decision trees using R and R Studio, as well as association rule mining and clustering, all of which are intuitive ways to analyze data.

Related Courses Fall 2020:

-Information Systems in Organizations (MIS 2101)

In this course, I learned how businesses utilize information technology to improve business processes. I learned about many types of information systems such as enterprise resource planning, supply chain management systems, and customer relationship management systems. I mastered how to diagram business processes through swim-lane diagrams and entity-relationship diagrams. Additionally, I learned how to create websites using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

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