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Academic History

  • High School
    • GPA: 3.8
    • Ranked 30 out of 379
    • Top 10% of graduating class
    • Higher level classes
      • AP: Calculus, Calculus II, U.S Society, Physics,
      • Community College Senior year:
        • Phycology
        • English 101
        • Global World Society
        • Computer information systems
        • Business law
    • Clubs
      • President of Student Council
      • National Honor Society
      • Environmental Club
      • Harrisburg Youth Symphony
      • Football Equipment Manager
      • Band
      • Orchestra
  • College
    • Temple University
    • Currently a sophomore accounting major
    • GPA 3.45
    • Classes
      • Calculus
      • Management Information Systems
      • Financial accounting
      • Environmental business.
    • Training on SAP systems
    • Trained on Quick Books

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