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MIS 3535 Journal Entries

Journal Entry 2/6
This was our first week as a team. Our initial and most important goal was to establish a direct line of communication with our group. After extracting the emails and phone numbers we delegated myself to lead communications with our analysts. Each week I will conduct progress report meetings and further contact with our group. We will decide as the weeks pass if this is the best form of communication.

Journal Entry 2/13
This week our team focused on the scope document and division of tasks between the BA’s. We showed the analysts what makes a good scope documents and how to focus on the project objectives. There was confusion about project constraints, assumptions, and objectives however it was cleared up during our team meetings. There seems to be a lack of communication between the BA’s due to the large number of teammates. We finally made have decided on a meeting time that allows majority of the group members from both classes to successfully meet. I am hoping the increase communication efforts will allow everyone to participate equally throughout the project.

Journal Entry 2/20
This week has been a transition period for our team. We focused on finalizing the scope document and getting ready to begin the process of setting a deliverable schedule. Its turning into an implementation period: where it’s more of managing the process rather than planning it out. With the weekly meeting schedule set it is easy to check in on problems and learn updates about the team.
While things have been smooth we are aware problems could start to stem any day now. Upcoming work will put strain on the analysts. They also are still in the process of deciding who will take upon each roll. This process is being monitored but not controlled by the managers.

Journal Entry 2/27
This week our group focused on aiding the analysts in the follow up for their project ideas. They discussed their brainstorming ideas and we aided them in deciding which were feasible. They are all attempting to gain skills in justinmind and we are hoping soon one of their members will have mastered it. The team seemed very stressed about their upcoming exam so we spent time helping them study and giving hints that could aid them during the exam.

Journal Entry 3/6
This week has been a slow one for our groups progress. The business analysts spent most of their time studying for the 3504 exam. Fortunately they have enough work done where they did not fall behind due to this lack of work. Our project managers spent this week getting our documents in order because we had an organization issue. We were able to successful put our documents together and finish all the needed work. Our next step is to integrate everything with Microsoft project so the files can all link together.

Journal Entry 3/20
As our group continued to push forward after their exam it was clear that the analysts seemed distracted. There was a lack of drive after spending so much time for an exam. Fortunately most of our members did well and were able to recoil from the exam. We decided the best approach to proceed would be to create study guides in an attempt to help the students in the future do better in their classes. The programming is continuing as plan and will be continuously monitored.

Journal Entry 3/27
This week we focused on working out kinks in our JustInMind Prototype. Using our prototype experience from the previous year we were able to give helpful hints and tricks to the business analysts now. We hope that with our continued process they will be able to succeed in their prototyping.

Journal Entry 4/3
This week we got to sit down with the updated prototype and see what our analysts have learned since our last meeting. Fortunately they are moving in the right direction and have had much progress since our last meeting. With half of their team dedicated to the justinmind prototype they are making solid progress. Our next goal will to be to help them craft a presentation based on their ideas that conveys their solution well.

Journal Entry 4/10
This week we focused on our deliverables for the project. With increasing our efficiency at in regards to organization we have been able to progress in the right direction. This week the analysts spent a lot time programming and told us to hold off meeting until next week in order to further analyze their progress.

Journal Entry 4/17
This week we met up with our analysts. We helped them craft study guides for their final exam while also going over their prototype. They wanted to spend a little more time coming up with crucial questions to present to us that we will go over this weekend before the project comes to a close. We also are going to practice their presentation before the big event next week.

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